IT’S EASY TO overlook the importance of winterising your caravan, but failing to do it can lead to damaged pipework and expensive repairs.
Simply draining the water system in the usual manner leaves a surprising amount of water trapped in the system. This means freezing remains a problem, but dirty water can lead to a horrid taste and even sickness when the system is recommissioned.
Floe system with connectors for Truma, Carver and Whale systems
That’s where Floë comes in, removing every last drop of water stuck in the pipes. It works by pressurising the system with compressed air, forcing the water out of the van’s pipework. The air pressure is generated either with a footpump or electronic tyre pump, neither of which are supplied.
Simply attach the compressor to the caravans external water pump connection via the adaptor and included connector, then build the pressure in the system to no more than 15psi.
Start by opening the kitchen tap on cold until the built up pressure has forced all the rogue water to flow out. Then close the tap again, wait for the pressure to build back up to 15psi and repeat, opening the tap on hot this time.
Once the kitchen pipes are clear, repeat this action on the wash basin tap and shower, making sure to clear both hot and cold pipes, letting the pressure build back up between closing and opening.
Compressed air is used to force unwanted water from the system
We had reservations about pressurising the water system but after several executions and asking manufacturers for their opinions, none voiced concerns providing the pressure was kept at recommended levels.
Prices start from £40 but depending on which water system connector your van has, prices can creep closer to £50. In any case, we think the protection it offers and the potential cost and hassle savings make it an essential purchase.